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From a Europeana News Post:

Over 1 million items showcasing Sweden’s cultural and scientific heritage can be now explored on Europeana, including architectural plans, photographs, paintings and maps.

“There are many exciting discoveries to make. Europeana is an obvious platform for this information, and we are pleased that we are doing our bit to make heritage more accessible,” said Johan Carlström, project manager for Swedish Open Cultural Heritage (SOCH).

SOCH is a web service that works with Sweden’s National Heritage Board to collect content from Swedish institutions.

You can take a look at the new material by clicking this link that runs a limited search for only material from Swedish Open Cultural Heritage and/or using the search box (with an advanced interface) at the top of most Europeana pages. Another interesting way to access material is to browse for it using this interactive timeline.

Presently, the Europeana database contains more than six million digital items including images, texts, sounds, and videos.

Via Resource Shelf


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