ongoappstorelogo.jpgThe Unofficial Apple Weblog has a review of the new Ongo news aggregating app and doesn’t like it very much:

I’m fully on board with media companies wanting to make money on their content. Ongo seems half-baked and not terribly well thought out, and for U.S. $6.99 a month it should be better. You can widen the options of media sources, but most cost additional money, from $0.99 all they way up to $14.99 a month. I really don’t think this thing is going to fly. I get more news and better control using Google or apps like the Pulse Newsreader which is free. … I think there are some good ideas in Ongo, but the execution is flawed. I don’t think a lot of people are going to want to pay for curated access to news that is available elsewhere for free. Even if the Ongo app was free, I’d have the same complaints about badly organized content and inability to read it offline


More details in the review.


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