Mc 6 x 9From the Open Road Blog:

Open Road Integrated Media, a digital content company, announced today that it will be publishing seven of Newbery Medal– and National Book Award–winner Virginia Hamilton’s ebooks including the Newbery Medal winner M.C. Higgins, the Great, on February 15, 2011. The ebooks will be available worldwide in English. Ms. Hamilton’s books are the first children’s titles in Open Road’s author brand program.

Virginia Hamilton (1934–2002) was a distinguished author of books for children and young adults, and the recipient of every major award in youth literature. These include the National Book Award, the Newbery Medal and Honor, the Coretta Scott King Award, and many other distinguished accolades including being the first African American author to win the Newbery Medal. In her lifetime, Virginia wrote and published 41 books in multiple genres. Woven into her books is a deep concern with memory, tradition, and generational legacy, especially as these helped define the lives of African Americans.


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