
Orange, a wireless carrier in the UK,  ans started the Orange Book Club and announced an Android app which will let customers browse and download ebooks to their smartphone or connected tablet device.  The service has over 23,000 ebooks and audio books and a “one click” buying system which bills the customer directly on their Orange account.  However, this has caused trouble in Apple land.

According to FutureBook:

Sound great, but where is the Apple version for iPhones and the iPad. A spokewoman told us that it was submitted for approval about the same time that Apple said apps would now have to allow in-app purchasing and NOT provide separate access to purchases via a web-browser.

The spokeswoman told us: “Orange had submitted the Apple app at the same time as the Android app, but at the time of submission Apple changed their policy, so Orange is now changing their app to meet with that new policy.”

Presumably the change will necesitate the removal of Orange’s USP here, the ‘one-click buy’ system, since that would imply using its own customer data rather than that provided through Apple.


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