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From the Orbit site:

We are publishing digital editions of original short stories from some of your favorite authors! The stories will be available at all major ebook retailers – initially in the US, further afield in the very near future.

We’ve got a fantastic launch list of stories including apocalyptic SF from zombie-maven Mira Grant, kick-ass urban fantasy stories from Jaye Wells and Jennifer Rardin, and military SF from newcomer T.C. McCarthy.

And there’s plenty more to come, including Perfect Shadow, an original novella by Brent Weeks, available in June.

Publishers Weekly quotes Orbit publisher Tim Holman as saying (in part): “… Going forward, it will be really interesting to see if shorter forms of fiction become more popular among digital readers. Perhaps novellas will–for some readers at least–be more appealing than novels, and in turn perhaps there will be more novellas written and published.”

I note that the books can be purchased through Amazon, Kobo, B&N, Books on Board, Diesel ebooks, I


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