logo.jpgFrom the Open Content Alliance:

The Internet Archive just doubled the number of books for the print-disabled from classic books to current novels and educational material. This is done via the relaunched website with “one webpage for every book” http://openlibrary.org.

Publicly accessible books are in the open DAISY format. The database and search engines are still catching up but it will have over 1 million volumes for this community (over 500k titles).

Included are a large number of modern books that are put in the protected DAISY format the Library of Congress uses to distribute modern books to the blind and dyslexic.

The Archive is also launching a book drive– the first 10,000 books donated to the Internet Archive will be digitized and made as widely available as we can. With support in donated great books, and hopefully also financial support, the Archive will digitize even more.

Main post on the subject is here.


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