Screen shot 2009-10-03 at 7.11.08 PM.pngOverdrive has released its monthly “Most Downloaded” books from their library. Here is the listing for the “adult fiction ebook” category

1. The Lost Symbol, by Dan Brown (Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group)
2. Alex Cross’s Trial, by James Patterson, Richard DiLallo (Little, Brown and Company)

3. Devil in Winter, by Lisa Kleypas (HarperCollins)

4. Because You’re Mine, by Lisa Kleypas (HarperCollins)

5. Vision In White, by Nora Roberts (Penguin USA, Inc.)

6. Black Hills, by Nora Roberts (Penguin USA, Inc.)

7. Again the Magic, by Lisa Kleypas (HarperCollins)

8. The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho (HarperCollins)

9. Dead and Gone, by Charlaine Harris (Penguin USA, Inc.)

10. Brighter Than the Sun, by Julia Quinn (HarperCollins)

You can find the rest of the listings here.


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