images.jpgFrom an OUP press release:

Oxford Bibliographies Online—a series of intuitive and easy-to-use “ultimate reading lists” is designed to help users navigate vast seas of information. OUP’s first online-only product goes beyond search algorithms to present bibliographies in several disciplines selected by leading subject experts and vetted by the highest professional standards.

The result of extensive interviews with librarians, numerous focus groups and market research, Oxford Bibliographies Online extend a centuries-long mission of supporting excellence in research, scholarship and education. “Oxford could not have pulled a project of this scope and magnitude together without the exceptional cooperation of the hundreds of scholars who served as editorial board members approving and vetting content, editor-in-chiefs of the modules, and the contributors themselves who sifted through the myriad scholarship out there in each discipline, “ remarked Tim Barton, President of OUP USA. “We here at OUP, and I suspect the academy at large, owe these scholars a debt of gratitude for their help in delivering OBO on such a tight deadline. I’m a little envious, I wish I had access to such a remarkable tool when I was at University.”
The product launches on April 19 with modules on Classics, Islamic Studies, Criminology and Social Work. According to Casper Grathwohl, VP, Publisher of Reference and Online Products, “An increasing amount of scholarship is bypassing traditional publishing channels. OBO is one of several ways in which publishers are extending their reach beyond their own publishing models to validate good research in a new world of unregulated online scholarship.” Oxford Bibliographies Online will help scholars increase productivity, save time and elevate the quality of their work, while enabling them to more efficiently engage with platforms like Google Books.


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