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Moderator, Laura Hazard Owen, Staff Writer, paidContent/GigaOM:


Charlie Redmayne, CEO, Pottermore: Pottermore came about from Rowling and her agent in order to give something back to fans.  Trying to create a digital future for Harry Potter.  First two parts in place.  Very expensive to run so created a commercial business as well to fund the site.  All ebooks are bought from Pottermore directly.  Unique arrangement, first time Amazon has driven customers to another platform.  Amazon “got it” and didn’t have to be dragged into it kicking and screaming.  Other retail partners understood as well.  Can work for other brands. Thing that Amazon and other retailers really respect is a brand.  

DRM free was a simple decision.  Rowling believes that if buy a digital book should be able to read it on anything you want.  Was concerned that piracy would go up but actually saw the reverse.  Files initially went up on servers and then came down again after a short time.  Making content available is what is reduces piracy.

Seen considerable sales.  Exceeded expectations.  Sold over 1 million pounds of ebooks in first 3 days.  Demand has fallen back to a steady run rate.  Over 50% of sales are coming direct even with having it available from Amazon et al.  Print sales are increasing as well.  Was a relief to their physical publishers.

The experience piece has some interactive elements and a community element.  Right at the beginning now.  Seen a huge amount of traffic.  Over 23 million hits in first two weeks and 5 million accounts set up.  Delivered over a billion page impressions in the first two week.  Huge challenge for the delivery platform and it worked well.

A lot of what they are doing can be done with many brands and maybe all of it with some brands.  Tolkein, Hunger Games perhaps would work.  


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