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Moderator, Staci D. Kramer, Editor and Senior Writer, paidContent/GigaOM

Jon Miller, Chief Digital Officer, Chairman and CEO, Digital Media Group, News Corp.: Investing quietly in early stage companies in China for about a year.  Took a 20% position in a public film company in China recently.  Seeing some light at the end of the tunnel in MySpace. New media companies, like MySpace, are not as stable as traditional companies and when you get a bit behind it is very hard to catch up because everyone else moving so fast.

Yahoo needs big answers and not many of them at a given time.  Not many places to go, but one place they can go is for them to be the leading digital media company.  This is where Yahoo should go and interim CEO, Ross Levinson, is the right person to make the needed changes.  For a long time Yahoo had and identity crisis and that is the worst place to be in the fast-moving industry.  Room for both AOL and Yahoo as media aggregators.

This is the age of video and are just on the edge of video consumption.  Did a deal with Xbox to extend their video content there.  Hulu is doing far better than anyone ever expected, for both the paid and free models.  The original concept of Hulu didn’t include a paid subscription.

The Daily has been an excellent product and number one performing subscription service in the Apple newsstand.  Trying to figure out how will it will scale.  If it scales up well then it will become a model, but don’t know it yet.  


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