pepys One of the more famous diaries as literary work has been the 17th-century diary of Samuel Pepys (whose name, in case you didn’t know, is actually pronounced “peeps”). It is, of course, in the public domain and freely available from a number of repositories. The Literary Platform notes that it is also available as an iPhone app for $1.99 (£1.19 in the UK).

However, this Pepys work is more than just an encapsulated appbook that prevents the text and nothing else. It adds a number of features including a daily diary entry for the current month and day, browsing and saving entries, and so on. It currently includes the first year, 1660, but further years will be added in future updates.

Certainly nothing is preventing people from reading the diary as a Project Gutenberg e-book, but for people who would enjoy the extra features it might be worth a $2 purchase.


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