Both Kindles are set to the same page of text and both are using the default font.


Kindle 2


Kindle 3



  1. Jack,
    You might, if you haven’t seen it yet, be interested in Len Edgerly’s video comparison of 4 ereaders but with a focus on the Nook and the Kindle 2.

    I describe it and give two different links (one to a larger one) at

    In the right-hand column, I include some other review-comparisons of Nook/Kindle in articles online.

    I think that vs the Kindle 3, an upcoming Nook 2 may have that Pearl display for a more fair comparison.

  2. How far away time wise do you think a Nook 2 is? Before the end of the year? Im still in the 14 days for original Nook Wifi. Considering returning for K3. If K3 isnt impressive enouugh or too much effort with epub then it could be Nook 2. Thoughts?


  3. Jack,
    Unless you value ePub file format more than almost anything else and plan to use the library a lot, the Kindle has basic functioning that is so much better than the truly cumbersome menu-deep commands of the Nook that I will be really surprised if they change it that much in the 2nd Edition.

    I think there’ll be the new screen. I really recommend Len Edgerly’s video I mentioned earlier. If you’re okay with what you see in that then do wait for Nook 2. I would imagine it’ll be out within a month unless there are some bad bugs which, this year, they might be more careful about than last year.

    Good luck! I think if you did get the K3 you might feel bad enough about it not supporting ePub that it might not be a good idea for you.

  4. Nick, I use Photoshop too. The background white area of the range is more intense than that for the K2.

    But once you see it in person, you’ll like that the truly DARK text is just amazingly sharp. I am saying that from the perspective of having the Pearl screen on the DX Graphite/

    In pics, I haven’t seen that brought out – it’s very difficult. Probably needs studio lighting without obvious flash.

    But I will be trying, once my K3 arrives today.

    I think it shows up pretty nicely, though, in the HD video made by a new K3 owner yesterday, that’s at my http://kwk3rpts

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