The Pixel Qi screen, which offers both an e-book mode and the capabilities of a color LCD, is scheduled to go into production next month.

Will Pixel Qi scale up without a hitch? Stay tuned.

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Now, in Pixel Qi’s words, here’s the really interesting news for the masses: “We have begun design of a sub-10 watt HDTV that can be used in hundreds of millions of households that don’t have steady, if any, access to electrical power. The typical HDTV uses more than 100 Watts and often draws several hundred watts. We are working on a way to massively lower the power consumption, and significantly lower the price with a target price of $100. image Thus this HDTV can run off of battery that can be charged up when the power is on, or charged with a small solar panel, crank, or so forth.” Will the HDTVs also be able to display books? I’d hope that would be an option in time, if it isn’t there from the start (just a hope—I haven’t talked to Pixel Qi about this).

(Also see Pixel Qi, Gizmodo, Blogeee and Slashgear. Via Reading 2.0.)


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