iphone-app240 Do you only read Playboy for the articles? Its iPad app will have you covered—thanks to Steve Jobs’s infamous fatwa against app-store nudity, it will entirely lack the uncovered women for whom the magazine is so famous. And how much will it cost to read this less-playful Playboy? $4.99, the same as you would pay for the uncensored print version. (The iPhone version only costs 99 cents.)

Jeff Bercovici has a piece at Daily Finance on how Playboy and other adult-oriented magazines are handling the porn prohibition. Some, such as W, are being fairly coy about how they will deal with it, while others such as Cosmopolitan skirt the boundaries.

I had thought that the Wired app charging print cover price for each issue was bad, but at least it didn’t remove the very thing that made the magazine what it was. As much as people claim to read Playboy for the articles, it’s hard to imagine very many paying the same amount as the whole thing for just the articles.


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