5-2010-Cover-sm.jpgHere’s another press release, this time something for you poetry fans:

The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, is pleased to announce the release of its new POETRY iPhone app (poetryfoundation.org/iphone), making available for the first time on a mobile device a virtual poetry library of more than 1,400 complete poems by classic and contemporary poets from William Shakespeare to César Vallejo to Heather McHugh.

The unique POETRY app offers hundreds of well-known poems by contemporary and classic poets, including T.S. Eliot, Pablo Neruda, Lucille Clifton, Emily Dickinson, and many, many others; easy access to new poems from the pages of Poetry magazine; a topic-based searchable database of poems to suit any mood or occasion; a folder for saving favorite poems; the capacity to share poems with friends through Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail; and an engaging, user-friendly interface specifically designed for the iPhone.


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