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Dan Bloom (of “screening” fame) is a regular contributor here, so I’m happy to report that Polar City Red is now available in Kindle ebook format for $2.99.  It’s authored by Jim Laughter and Dan is the book’s producer.

Good luck with it, Dan!


  1. Lower Coyne Street,


    County Kilkenny,


    Phone: 00 353 56 77 25543

    April 17th 2012

    Bad Hare Days now available on Kindle

    Mr,. Paul Biba,



    Dear Mr. Biba,

    I am happy to say to say that my book Bad Hare Days is now available on Kindle, so I hope to spread the message further that the cruel practice of hare coursing is still legal in Ireland, supported by certain politicians and backed by a powerful pro-blood sports lobby. An updated link to the free download of the book has also been created, replacing an older link which is longer operational.

    Bad Hare Days tells the story of the campaign to abolish hare coursing in Ireland from my own perspective, focusing on a sinister politically motivated attempt in the 1980s to suppress opposition to the blood sport.

    The Kindle edition contains additional text and photographs, taking account of such developments as last year’s ban on hare coursing in Northern Ireland. The price is very low

    With another parliamentary push against hare coursing in Ireland approaching (Deputies Clare Daly and Maureen O’ Sullivan will shortly move a Bill in the Dail- Ireland’s parliament- seeking its abolition), I hope this book will assist in bringing closer the day when the hares of Ireland will be protected from organized cruelty dressed up as “sport”.

    Here are the links to the Kindle edition.

    Free download at the following link:


    Or on Kindle at the following links:

    Amazon UK:


    Amazon USA:


    Thanking you,

    John Fitzgerald

    (Author of Bad Hare Days)

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