A couple days ago, I mentioned some of the proposals the FTC put forward for discussion about “saving” printed newspapers by taxing new forms of media. Lately, Rasmussen Reports has polled 1,000 adults on their opinions of these suggestions, and found them almost universally disliked.

Only 10% favor the tax on monthly cell phone bills to help newspapers and traditional journalism. Sixteen percent (16%) support the tax on consumer electronic devices, and 18% of Adults favor placing an additional tax on Internet news sites.

Rasmussen also reports that 58% of Americans think that online and other news sources will pick up the slack if traditional newspapers go out of business.

The FTC may only have meant its suggestions as seeds for discussion, but it is looking like the discussion is almost universally negative. If newspapers are expecting a government handout to let them stay afloat, they may have another think coming.


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