front.jpgThe New Media Writing Prize (NMWP) is a custom designed literary-award fit for the 21st Century media-scape of electronic publishing and the emerging digital world. The Prize has been established by the inaugural Poole Literary Festival (PLF) in partnership with The Media School at Bournemouth University as a venue for writers to showcase their skills, provoke discussion and raise awareness of new media writing and the future of the written word.
For the 2010 NMWP the judges have considered over 60 entries from all around the world, including New Zealand, Canada and the USA. A general shortlist of six entries has been selected, with two student entries also shortlisted.

General Shortlist:
Christine Wilks – Underbelly
Alan Bigelow – My Summer Vacation
Jim Andrews – On Lionel Kearns
Christine Wilks – Fitting the Pattern
Naomi Alderman – The Winter House
Katherine Norman –  Stay Conscious
Ann Pitt – The 02 Tales

Student Shortlist:
Lorenza Samuels –  Evidence
Emily Hollingsworth – Anonymous

The winners will be announced and Prizes consisting of an iPad and £250 given at a special ceremony which will form the climax of the first PLF. The ceremony will take place at Lighthouse – Poole’s Centre for the Arts at 7pm on Sunday 31 October.


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