Prologue Books F+W Media Fletcher FloraBack in March, we told you about a newly-formed F+W Media imprint known as Prologue Books, which at the time was in the process of republishing more than 250 out-of-print genre books in e-book format. According to the imprint’s introductory press release, “hard-boiled crime novels” were initially Prologue’s solitary focus.

But today, Prologue founder Ben LeRoy announced in an article for Antique Trader that he’ll be releasing more than 400 pulp fiction-style novels as e-books by the end of 2012. LeRoy says the soon-to-be-released collection will include mystery, crime, western, science-fiction and fantasy titles from the 1940s, 50s and 60s. What’s more, authors will include the Edgar Award-winning writer William Campbell Gault, and well as Max Brand, Hope Mirrlees and Vin Packer. The titles will be available from the AmazonBarnes & NobleKoboApple and Sony stores.


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