images.jpegReceived this directly from Dan Bloom in Taiwan:

For now, one of the biggest questions looming over PVI headquarters–and one that industry watchers around the world are keen to hear the answer to–is whether the company might someday enter the e-reader market with its own device. According to the company’s CEO,the answer is no.

“PVI … has a corporate philosophy that aims to deliver revolutionary products, user experiences and environmental benefits through advanced technology development,” Liu says. “This vision has led to PVI’s continuous investments in the field of e-paper display as well. PVI will remain dedicated to e-paper related research, development and manufacturing, but we won’t produce any PVI-branded e-readers. Since Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other well-known e-reader firms are our customers, we won’t be making an e-reader that would in any way compete with our valued customers.”


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