Reuters reports that Penguin and Amazon have come to an agreement allowing Penguin’s books to be sold for the Kindle once again. Penguin’s books had been absent since the April 1st agency pricing implementation deadline, a period of almost two months.

The international iBookstore has launched—people in England who already own iPads can download the iBooks application and access the store as of May 26th, two days before the iPad’s official May 28th launch. However, at the moment only public-domain titles from Project Gutenberg are available—no commercial titles yet. The Bookseller reports negotiations with publishers are still ongoing.

We all know about reading e-books on the iPhone, but what about keeping track of p-books? That’s the purpose of BookLover, a 99-cent iPhone application that lets you keep a list of books you want to read, or have read. It will even download metadata and cover image, and allow you to take notes, bookmarks, reviews, and so on, and even share information via Facebook or e-mail.

E-book library lending is a bit newer in the UK than in America. The local paper for Barnet, Hertfordshire reports that since the service was added to the local library in February, patrons have checked out nearly 1,000 e-books. The Barnet Council is now looking into adding audiobooks and additional e-book titles.

And for iPad (and other tablet) owners, here’s a fast, cheap stand idea that’s a little silly, but potentially quite useful. I might be a little worried about scratching the finish, though.


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