It’s here!  It’s here!  Time to go to your favorite nook (!) and wait for The Great Electron to bestow upon all the good girls and boys some wonderful ebooks (and maybe a reading device or two).

For those who haven’t been in awhile, the redesigned Read an E-Book Week website has continued to grow and improve, and new deals and freebies await your examination.  The redesign has already received many kudos and congratulations for its improved usability, and has helped to draw a few more supporters under its wing.

Rita hasn’t heard from anyone yet, but we’re hoping a few people will opt to try the “Ask me about ebooks” promotion, choosing a day to provide a public service to your community and answer any and all questions about ebooks as you can.  Every time it’s been tried in the past, it’s been a rousing success, with fun reported by everyone.  (I wish I had a “one person even met their soulmate” story, but alas, no hookups have been reported yet!)

On the other hand… March 2012 will be the first-ever Read an E-Book Month, established by the 41st sitting of the Canadian Parliament.  And with an entire month to play with… who knows?

Say… hear that bell?  They say, every time a bell rings, a writer has just finished a manuscript…


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