Publishers calculate how much they’ll lose or earn. Industry experts write about taking over the world. But what readers think of ebooks?

It surely gets more emotional. People either love or hate ebooks, and there are countless reasons on both sides.

When you look at pictures shared on Instagram, it suddenly becomes all amazingly positive. Users share what they are proud of and what they identify with.

My English skills are not good enough to describe in a perfectly tailored way how readers are tied to reading the books, which don’t have the smell of a real paper and don’t give the one-of-its-kind sensation of page turning.

Luckily, pictures below are worth a thousand words, seen on paper or on a screen. And that they say is: ebooks are lovely. Don’t you think?

Picture by gemmadawson.

Picture by puritymatters.

Picture by davisanstudio.

Picture by marianeito.

Picture by kateepcott.

Picture by lotimeus.

Picture by pawlovesu.

Picture by kimbasa.

Picture by kermit71.

Picture by trawickimages.

Picture by tiniestmonster.

Picture by laurenbennion.

Picture by marynp.

Picture by maitai88.

Picture by kimunscripted.

Picture by hellojani.

Picture by itsatrap_.

Picture by jakubiec.

Picture by gayna.

[Via Ebook Friendly]


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