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I thought I’d share with you the email I received about the opening of Red Lemonade (blockquotes omitted):

Red Lemonade is live, come say hello.

By way of reminder: Red Lemonade is a publisher, the world’s first instance of a Cursor-powered social publishing community. Our goal is to make Red Lemonade a home for powerful writing and engaged reading. And to make Cursor the best possible platform to power the world’s next 50,000 independent publishers.

At some point in the last year, you signed up to find out more. Sorry it took so long.

If you decide to register (you can poke around anonymously), we’re still tweaking the registration instructions, but we’re asking people to have usernames that you’d use on your book’s title page, that is “Richard Nash,” not “richardnash.” An affectation perhaps, but one that we think bespeaks something important about the discipline and seriousness of purpose behind the years spent writing a book, and the many hours of singular attention offered up reading a book.

Those of you interested in particular Red Lemonade books (yes, they’re print too :-):

Note that the links to three books above go to the full text of the book. You can read the entire book and, once you’ve confirmed your email address, you can comment on and annotate it and respond to others comments and annotations (first comment requires moderator approval). If you want to just read without the marginalia, you can turn off the highlighting and re-size the window for the pure reading experience.

All the best,

Richard Nash
Publisher, Red Lemonade
Founder/CEO, Cursor


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