
From a review by Roman Loyola at Macworld:

In March at South by Southwest, Marvel Entertainment made some noise for comic book fans when it announced its new augmented reality app called Marvel AR. The AR app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch is now available in the App Store, and the first comic book that can be used with the app is Avengers Vs. X-Men (AvX) Round 1.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the special features on DVD and Blu-ray movies, such as behind-the-scenes shorts, deleted scenes, and commentary. AR does the same for comic books, providing readers with additional content— commentary by the comic book creators, artwork, videos, and more.

In comic books designed for AR, a red and white AR logo is placed throughout the book. The app uses your iOS device’s camera to scan the AR page and deliver the additional content. An Internet connection is required, and I had no performance problems when using Wi-Fi on my iPad. When using a Sprint 3G connection on my iPhone 4S, videos would pause midstream several times in order for the buffer to catch up to the playback.

Much more in the review.


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