
I just couldn’t let this pass.  According to All Things D:

So the company is doing something about it. It plans to drop app-sideloading support from the PlayBook in a forthcoming update. “We’re removing sideloading for consumers,” said Alec Saunders, RIM’s VP of Developer Relations, adding that the company is very sympathetic to developers’ concerns about app piracy.

“Piracy is a huge problem for Android devs, and we don’t want to duplicate the chaotic cesspool of Android Market [now Google Play],” he said.


  1. RIM is really on the negative ads bandwagon. On TV they tell us that only their phone is for business. Now they are trashing the app store.

    I got rid of my BBry because it didn’t do what I needed. My android is just perfect for my business thanks.

    Thanks for the post

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