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From the Westport News:

The paper has disappeared since Bergstein launched — a website that lets kids write, illustrate and publish their own stories and comic books.

“I just thought, there’s got to be a better way to do this, to help them out,” said Bergstein, the former director of marketing at Mattel Toys.

Children can write stories directly into page templates, load their scanned artwork and use a pick-and-click illustration tool if they want more professional-looking art to go along with their text. They can use tools such as Story Starters to help generate ideas and as well as Scribblitt’s planning tool for tips on key areas of the story structure.

“It’s like having their own desk with their own files,” Bergstein said. And when a child’s book or comic is complete, she or he can share it by posting it to the “library.”

Stories can be published online at no cost, but if a child wants a hard cover, bound book that can join Dr. Seuss on the bookshelf, a parent can order one for $24.99.

Bergstein says she didn’t start Scrbblitt with the goal of making money. In fact, she won’t accept ads on the site because she thinks children already are bombarded by too much commercialism.

Much more in the article.

You can find the website here.


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