Screen shot 2009-12-14 at 9.53.16 AM.pngReceived an email from them saying that they will now make the 1.8 million titles from the Internet Archive available free of charge. The Archive includes works in 180 languages, acquired from 200 library partners and scanning locations in 5 countries. More than 1,000 new books are added every day.

According to the press release PDF and Epub versions of the Archive material will be available for download this wee, with access via Shortcovers’ mobile apps soon after. You can find more info about Shortcovers here.

The iPhone app, however, seems to be missing from the Apps Store and the link provided on the Shortcovers website doesn’t work. For other mobile apps see here.


  1. Shortcovers announce a beta version of their application for Windows Mobile soon available on their website… nevertheless, I wrote to them several times (as suggested), I got absolutely no reply and I stopped waiting for their application. 🙁

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