doomedplanetEarlier today I posted about how self-publishing was affecting the modern science fiction genre. As it happens, independent publishing is not just for self-published e-books; io9 has discovered a Kickstarter project called “Save the Scifi!" by publisher Singularity & Co., aimed at purchasing publishing rights to out-of-print classic SF titles, scanning them, and publishing them as e-books and in print.

The project had a goal of $15,000, which would have covered purchasing the rights to the first four books it was planning on republishing. It has currently been funded to $32,916. The titles to be rescued have not yet been announced; the project FAQ says the books will be chosen by monthly vote on its web site.

I think this is a great idea for a project—there are plenty of classic SF titles out there that publishers haven’t deemed worth e-publishing and that even pirates haven’t found interesting enough to scan. It would be fun to be able to read some of these works electronically.


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