
From The Chronicle of Higher Education:

Textbook pirates have struck again. Nearly three years after publishers shut down a large Web site devoted to illegally trading e-textbooks, a copycat site has sprung up—with its leaders arguing that it is operating overseas in a way that will be more difficult to stop.

The new site, LibraryPirate, quietly started operating last year, but it began a public-relations blitz last week, sending letters to the editor to several news sites, including The Chronicle, in which it called on students to make digital scans of their printed textbooks and post them to the site for free online.

‘Publishing officials say they heard about the site only after it was featured on a peer-to-peer file-sharing blog last week, and they are now are considering a response. “Steps will certainly be taken,” said Edward McCoyd, director of digital policy for the Association of American Publishers. “I’m sure publishers will seek to do something about this site.”

Thanks to Steve Jordan for the heads up.


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