2016-smashwords-survey-how-to-sell-more-books-41-320A new Smashwords survey shows the habits of bestselling authors on the site.

It’s important to note that what works for one author may not always work for another. So many authors use different tactics to get the best results.

Here are few key takeaways from the site’s fifth annual survey as noted by Mark Coker, head of Smashwords:

  • Nearly 90 percent of sales were fiction titles.
  • Romance accounted for 50 percent of sales during the survey period.
  • “Free” is still a powerful selling tool to drive discovery: Free ebooks get about 41 times more downloads than priced books on Apple iBooks.
  • The pricing sweet spot? Well, it depends. $2.99 generated the greatest average unit downloads, but $3.99 was the average price that generated the highest earnings with $4.99 coming in second.

To see the full survey and Coker’s analysis, click here to check out the full blog.

You can also view the survey on the slideshare below.


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