A perfect geekcessory for the absolutely committed onscreen reader, the Laptop Compubody Sock guarantees you “privacy, warmth, and concentration in public spaces.” No fear of interruption or of others peering over your shoulder with this total immersion solution from Sternlab.


But this silly accessory alludes to a serious point, or two. For one thing, all the debate about the damaging effect of digital devices on concentration is rather thrown into perspective by an object that dramatizes just how focused on their devices some users can be. Obviously no danger of distraction from his or her ebook for the bold Compubody Sock wearer. Some of us may let our anxieties about connected devices pull us in other directions, but we all recognize the issue when we see it.

Plus, for any reader reading something darker than 50 Shades of Grey, or simply not wanting to share their screen with those around them, there’s any number of privacy screen protectors, from the 3M™ Privacy Filter to the iWantit 4-Way iPad Privacy Screen Protector.

Finally, and far more seriously, there’s the question of privacy for the contents of your ereader. Here, as the Electronic Frontier Foundation and others regularly point out, there are major grounds for concern over the privacy of your reading matter and reading choices. The EFF’s E-Reader Privacy Chart gives a full breakdown of the data privacy, personal information protection, and other key factors in the major ebook platforms. And it demonstrates that these platforms are compromised in most if not all major regards when it comes to true personal privacy of information.


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