Sony ReaderWhoops—the Sony Reader may have suffered another delay. I was expecting a September-October release, but the above wording from Sony suggests November instead. See promo site for more details. Hello, iRex and Jinke? It looks as if Sony may have unwittingly given you a holiday gift ahead of time.

Related: Mixed Sony Reader review from Gearlog. Also Variety‘s subscriber-only article on the rumored e-book-friendly iPod from Apple. Book-biz executives fear Apple may erode their pricing power, just the iPod has in the music industry. Then again, the iPod reportedly has given music sales a boost. Update, July 26 at 9:15 a.m. EDT: Engadget’s take on the delay.


  1. Hrm. In time for the holidays isn’t necessarily November. Fall could still mean September-October. Sounds like the ad guy was taking a bit of poetic license.

    Back to speculating: Do you think the Connect people finally got their act together?

  2. “Not necessarily.” I think the ad guy is almost surely reaching to put the schedule in the most flattering light. Remember, iRex will be out there in September with a consumer-ready product, at least if schedules are kept. Sony doesn’t want to lose sales to competitors. Still, I appreciate your point and will stick a question mark after the part part of the headline.

    As for the Connect folks, I have no idea. Let me know if you find something beyond the article I blogged some weeks ago.

    Thanks, Ayrkain.


  3. As I recall, they’re at least partly using contractors. Part of the problem, as I recall, was getting proprietary stuff to mesh with the Web. Poetic justice, eh? Still, I am actually rooting for Sony since a debacle would not be good for e-books. Thanks. David

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