My sympathy to my friends at MobileRead. Beset by spam, they’ve temporarily disabled their comment feature for unregistered users. Oh, how I empathize.

Within the past 24 hours, I’ve sustained 1,800+ spam attacks–with most of the attempted comments promoting sites linked to the island of Cyprus, at least if the geography in the domain registrations isn’t fake. I have let CERT know and am prepared to swear out statements against the perp(s).

Perhaps folks at MobileRead and elsewhere can compare notes with me. Let’s see if the villains are the same, and work to get them in jail. My theory is that scumbags in the domain business are working to boost the search engine ranks of domains they are prepping for sale.

eNom, my own domain registration service via my use of the ethical 1coms affiliate, is at least indirectly involved with the spam–through another affiliate called That’s where “Gazit Bingaman” is hosting the domains listed as being out of Cyprus; and so far hasn’t respond to my complaint. I have low expectations for eNom, but will give ’em a try. Remember, spammers can’t operate without the direct or indirect help of “legitimate” companies. I fervently hope that eNnom will surprise me and truly cooperate and put the squeeze on NameCheap to unplug “Gazit’s” spam-promoted domains. If not, then I’ll suggest that ICANN think about stripping Enom of its accreditation.

I’ll see what eNnom has to say. If it won’t help, I’ll also start advocating a boycott of eNom. I’ll keep my existing registrations with 1coms, but phase ’em out as they expire.


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