Screen shot 2011 02 03 at 9 14 04 AMInfotoday is reporting that Springer is now putting over 10,000 books online for reviewers. All of their English-language ebooks that have been published since 2006 will be included.

Reviewers just have to fill in a registration form and they will have access to online book review copies for 6 months. Up to 10 books can be reviewed simultanesouly and reviewers can reserve books not yet published and be notified of their arrival.

In addition, the reviewer can upload their published review and then can order a print copy of the book free of charge. Alot with Springer books, review copies of titles from Humana Press, Current Medicine Group, and Birkhäuser Boston are also available online. The next step will be to make Springer’s German-language books available for online book reviews.


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