There’s a fantastic news story brewing in England at the moment, and if you’re a fervent supporter of public libraries, you’ll love this one:

Following a series of budget cuts, a North London library that was known locally as a beloved community resource had to close its doors recently. Eight resourceful members of the Occupy London movement, however, decided to rectify that situation:

They gained access to the shuttered Friern Barnet library by crawling through an open window, and have since reopened it and proclaimed themselves to be “caretakers” and “community librarians.” According to a BBC News article, the “squatters have been sleeping on the main floor of the library at night and running a book-lending service by day.”

There’s a good bit more to the story than just that, of course, and if you’re interested …

» The Guardian has a good write-up
» You’ll get even more of the story by viewing this BBC video

Video: Squatters reopen Friern Barnet library after council closes service (The Guardian)


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