Fullscreen capture 12122013 40715 PM.bmpA photographer was walking through a library when he was struck by the peculiar juxtaposition of titles in a stack of books waiting to be reshelved: Two books about fighter aircraft and air superiority sandwiching Sex, Sexuality, and the Anthropologist. It, and a couple of other such stacks he found later on, tickled his fancy enough to cause him to begin haunting the library and taking pictures of abandoned stacks of books as an art project. He has over 800 of them by now.

I must admit, this is one area where e-books tend to fall short. You’re not going to see someone leaving a pile of e-books lying around, and looking at the most-recently-read history in an e-reader just wouldn’t be the same without the artifacts. Some of them sort of make sense; others make you wonder. (My favorite is Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead sandwiched between two books of baby names. What?)

(Found via Snarkmarket.)


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