Kindle Screenshot 2015-08-30 08.37Over at The Digital Reader, Nate smartly begins his post on the above: “Amazon just reminded us that a proprietary ebook format isn’t all it is cracked up to be.”

Nate warns Kindle for PC users not to count on features such as sophisticated kerning and drop caps. In Amazon Land, it’s hit or miss despite the new PC version’s ability to read the new KFX format. I’m sure Amazon will dramatically improve Kindle PC’s typographical capabilities in time. But wouldn’t it be a better world without all this format chaos, even within one company’s offerings?

"The’wonderful new typography’ features have worked for a long time in Kobo and don’t need a new encrypted file format," notes one TDR commenter. "They work in epub files."

The good news is that the latest Kindle for PC runs under under a recent version of the Linux Wine emulator for Windows even if some have had challenges.

A download link for various platforms is here.


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