bloggingheroesAlong with Boing Boing, Wonkette and other well-known blogs, we’ve made Blogging HeroesMichael Banks’ book, which Wiley will publish later this year. Mike likes our fight for e-book standards and against Draconian DRM, in addition to our library-related efforts.

You can read Mike’s TeleBlog chapter—which Wiley sent with permission to reproduce it—in either HTML or PDF. Order the book here.

Because of the nature of Blogging Heroes, Mike focused on me. So once again, I’ll remind you of the contributions of others, especially Robert Nagle, Branko Collins, Jon Noring and Garson O’Toole, not to mention Sadi Ranson-Polizzotti and newcomers such as Paul Biba.

Update: Robert and I will be accepting sponsors and advertisers to keep the blog sustainable without charging readers or going through the standard hassles of the usual nonprofits. The big condition, in every case, will be that people not lean on us to water down our stands. Publishers Weekly, our newest partner, has let me write exactly what I want in E-Book Report. Stay tuned for a PW blog post later this week on “DRM as a lit and biz toxin” (just David speaking for David).

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  1. Thank you for sharing the chapter, David. As Chris Anderson points out, it’s an intteresting experiment in the effectiveness of free samples in marketing a book, and user-generated content. (I should note here that publisher Joe Wikert is equally responsible for the experiment.)

    In terms of logistics, it is certainly more convenient to buy the book than to go around collecting chapters–and not all interviewees are posting their chapters.

    More importantly, as diverse a group as the interviewees are, a strong collective thxme on blogging success emerges from the combined chapters. That is far more accessible with the content in one unit.

    I hope enough people are interested by the samples to pick up the book at a bookstore or library.

    Lest I forget: there are some fun illustrations in the book, too.

  2. Anent free samples of books, back in 1984 I was posting free chapters from new science fiction novels online. I posted first chapters on behalf of Baen Books on BBSs and The Source, and later on CompuServe and DELPHI. The authors were people like Fred Saberhagen, Timothy Zahn, and David Drake.

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