image What’s best—ePub, EPub, EPUB, epub or another spelling of the name for the IDPF’s e-book format? The group has no official rec on this cosmic matter.

So take our poll if you haven’t already. And in the comments section in the same item, maybe you can address another issue. If we go with ePub, do you want it spelled EPub at the start of a sentence? Or just ePub?

For the basic spelling, at least inside a sentence, ePub is the clear fave of TeleBlog readers at this point.

Unofficial logo is by Travis Alber.


  1. When I started using this format I did consider the start of sentence issue.

    One thought is this; would you ever write IPod at the start of a sentence? I doubt it.

    ePub is not a brand I know, so perhaps it is wrong to use it in this way. However I still like the look and if it helps to make it more recognisable then I’m happy. 🙂

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