As many readers will be aware, my previous piece “Android latest: Lollipop does not suck” produced a fusillade of comment from those who had the opposite experience of the new Android 5.0 Lollipop iteration of the world’s favorite mobile OS. And although at the time of writing I am still not having anything like the issues they reported, we decided to open a poll so that readers could report their own experience and problems. Please feel free, then, to fill in your responses below, and we’ll report the results.

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  1. You will think Lolipop is the cats meow if all you do on it is play Candy Crush Saga and Angry Birds. Ooo pretty new eye candy.

    On the other, if you use it for any length of time as a power user you will find Google screwed up everything, everywhere, and for no good reason.

    Imagine suddenly Ford rolls out a recall to all their cars, that are brought into the shop for a free upgrade. When you get your car back like millions of other people, suddenly your brake pedal is where your gas pedal was, your clutch is now where your brake was, and your gas pedal is now where your windshield wiper control speed was. Your horn starts your car, and your cigarette lighter now activates your turn signals…

    Oh did I mention they gave you a whole new pin stripping package with racing strips on the outside of your car? Looks awesome. If your a Disney cartoon.

    If your car is a garage queen youll see the fresh knew pin stripping that makes your car seem newer and faster and be happy because it was free.

    But if like the millions of others who actually drive your car dailtly, you are pissed off as hell with the idiotic, pointless, confusing, and purposeless changes…

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