TorrentFreak is reporting that TextBook Torrents has closed. The site was the world’s largest devoted to textbooks. It had closed once before, and later re-opened, but this closure looks permanent as the owner said that he was afraid of lawsuits against himself, personally, by the publishing industry.

One of the comments to the TorrentFreak report is interesting and perhaps sums up the problem publishers face:

Gutted, it was a belting site.
It’s sad the way society/publishers excludes the poor (who can’t afford books and to digress for a moment afford outrageous university fees) from gaining knowledge & education, all because the publishers want to use antiquated/outdated business models that don’t work anymore and don’t understand that sales are not the only way to generate revenue.
I personally feel this is more important than the normal torrent/sharing fight surrounding games, films & music as they are predominantly entertainment which we can all ultimately live without, but this is education and knowledge that is being restricted. This can only have a long term detrimental impact on the very society/publishers that are working to stop it.
Many many thanks for everything Geekman I owe you a beer or two and all the best for the future.


  1. The comment from TF was a pretty pathetic example of special pleading. Most textbooks suck…I can live without a textbook much more than I could music or film.

    Also, I would love to see the model whereby textbook publishers make money off of something other than textbook sales…what are they supposed to do, sell t-shirts?

  2. “I can live without a textbook much more than I could music or film.”

    Not if your professor requires you to buy said textbook(s). And an average textbook costs a helluva lot more than your average CD or DVD.

    Textbook publishing is a racket. We all know it. Finally, there is a growing movement to actually do something to try and upset the status quo. Godspeed.

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