images.jpgPaid Content is reporting that the single issue $4.99 iPad app will be converted into Atlantic Premium which will be a daily compilation of all the magazine produces, and it will charge a monthly fee.

Developed with Portland-based Urban Airship, Atlantic Premium will deliver a constant flow of content daily. Havens compares it to an RSS reader and the free Mashable app. The pricing hasn’t been set yet and the company still has to decide exactly how the premium app will affect the content in the free apps. The free apps will continue to have some content but will become more like a “best of” than a complete set. “We want to funnel people to paid content,” Havens explained. They plan to submit it to the app store this month.

Why pay for content that’s free online? “We think the app experience is worth paying for. … We may not be allowing access to all our content going forwards; we may give you different options. We don’t want to cannibalize ourselves.”

According to the article, the July-August issue sold in the single-digit thousands. Pricing for the new version hasn’t been decided. More info in the article.


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