
The Unglue.it gang is at it again, doing what they can to get the word out about the latest titles they’re attempting to “unglue.” One of the books, Sara Roncaglia’s Feeding the City, looks fantastic.

Originally written in Italian and published by Open Book Publishers, it’s an ethnographic look at “the dabbawalas of Mumbai, [who] deliver hundreds of thousands of home-cooked lunches to the city’s workers [each day], with a logistics chain so efficient it’s been the subject of a Harvard Business School case study.”

Subtitled “Work and Food Culture of the Mumbai Dabbawalas,” Feeding the City “traces the ethnography of this massive culinary cooperative: its tastes, aesthetics, gender roles, caste systems, and religious and cultural diversity.”

Open Book Publishers, by the way, was the same group behind Unglue.it’s very first unglued e-book, Oral Literature in AfricaHead on over to Unglue.it’s Ready to Read page if you’d like to download Oral Literature in Africa, or a number of other unglued, Creative Commons, and public domain e-books. You can also read the first chapter of Feeding the City here, and you can pledge toward its campaign here.

Unglue.it’s two other active campaigns, by the way, are Network of Killers and Radio Franglais.


  1. Dear Dan, I’m delighted Roncaglia’s work looks fantastic. Do you think this might be due to the fact that it has been well translated? BY ME… Wouldn’t it be nice to acknowledge my moral rights, not just here, but elsewhere? OpenBook want to spread culture? Well, I think the least they can do is mention the translator and highlight the fact that with us many works would not be available to the greater public.
    Angela Arnone

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