ebert-cancer For the past several years, film critic Roger Ebert has been unable to talk, due to complications from cancer surgery that left him without a lower jaw.

But thanks to CereProc, a company that mines words and syllables from existing audio sources (such as the many commentary tracks and TV shows Ebert has recorded) and sets them up in a text-to-speech application, Ebert is now able to “speak” with a voice that is noticeably his. It will never be mistaken for his “real” voice from days of old, but it sounds a lot better than the stock speech synthesizer he had been using.

Perhaps someday something like this can make its way into readers like the Kindle: instead of an artificial computer voice, you could have your favorite actor or TV personality read an e-book to you. But for now, I’m thrilled that it is helping Ebert, whom I have long respected, to communicate again.


  1. That’s good news. I’m happy for Roger Ebert.

    On TTS in general, I’m pleased with how it’s progressing. The better engines almost — almost! — don’t sound robotic. Try this one, which will read the last paragraph from Chris’ article: http://tts.imtranslator.net/9lHJ

    I could listen to a book read like that. It’s a step above the Kindle’s engine.

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