The New York Times reports that Time Inc., the largest magazine publisher in the US, has reversed its previous position on Apple’s newsstand e-magazine store, and will make all of its magazines available through that platform. Historically, Time only sold single issues of its magazines as apps through the app store, or allowed print subscribers to read iPad editions at no additional cost. This will mark the first time the company has authorized digital-only subscriptions.

Although neither side was willing to discuss the terms, it seems that the deal represents a compromise, with Apple and Time both giving a little on their previous positions about the restrictions Apple wanted to impose. Apple is feeling the heat from Amazon and Google’s subscription programs, according to unnamed publishing executives.

Part of the reason for the change might have to do with Time’s new CEO, Laura Lang, who made cutting a deal with Apple a top priority after she took the position in January, “because this is where our consumers are.”


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