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From South Coast Today:

The Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese-American Archives at the Claire T. Carney Library and the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture of the UMass Dartmouth announce the addition of 14 Portuguese-language newspapers published in California between 1885 and 1940 to its Portuguese-American Digital Newspaper Collections.


The unique collection, which includes some of the earliest known Portuguese-language newspapers in the United States, such as O Progresso Californiense, first published in July of 1885, may be accessed through the Internet for free and without a password at Each issue of the newspapers in the collection may be browsed in its entirety or searched by keyword. The site also offers the possibility of searching across all issues of the same paper or across all newspapers in the collection.


The digitization is the second venture undertaken by the Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese-American Archives under its Portuguese-American Newspaper Digitization Project. The first was the Diário de Notícias, a daily newspaper published in New Bedford between 1919 and 1973.

Read the Complete Article

(Via LJ INFOdocket.)


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