Talked to David Rothman this morning. The web hosting service has been experiencing some problems. Performance is really slow, but hopefully it will improve over the day. (Incidentally, David R. has been thinking of switching web hosting providers relatively soon). Update: Apparently David’s official announcement beat mine. Oh, well, save this one for the archives.

In the meantime, browse the entertaining/informative mobileread forums and download an ebook or two from or Project Gutenberg.

I recommend Arnold Bennett’s How to live on 24 hours a Bennett says:

Which of us lives on twenty-four hours a day? And when I say “lives,” I do not mean exists, nor “muddles through.” Which of us is free from that uneasy feeling that the “great spending departments” of his daily life are not managed as they ought to be? […] Which of us is not saying to himself — which of us has not been saying to himself all his life: “I shall alter that when I have a little more time”? We never shall have any more time. We have, and we have always had, all the time there is.


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