How much time do you spend on Twitter every day? Are you connecting with a service via your mobile phone or a tablet? This article is for you.

Pict. 1: a tweet with a link to Kindle Store

Do you know that you can use Twitter as a quick and convenient way to download Kindle ebooks? You can start reading a book in a couple of clicks from discovering it. There is no need to change a device. You don’t have to save your choice for later in order to access Amazon site from a computer or your Kindle ereader. Isn’t that worth trying?

All what you need to have is a free Kindle application for your mobile device (or devices). Currently Kindle apps are available for those mobile platforms: iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), AndroidBlackBerryWindows Phone 7.

How it works?

If you discover a tweet with a link to a Kindle Store (like the one in Picture 1), you can click on it and an Amazon site opens – optimized for a screen of your device.

As you see in Picture 2, if you’re logged in to your Amazon account, just after one click you can choose: to buy a book or to download a free sample.

When you select from a list of devices the one you’re currently using, after you click on “Buy Now with 1-Click” or “Try a Sample”, you’ll be directed to a next screen when you can make a next choice: “Continue Shopping” or “Go to Kindle App”.

That’s it, in a couple of seconds you can start reading a book!

Now imagine how much time you’ll need to remember your choice, switch to a browser, go to Amazon site and find a book again.

Pict. 2: 1 click and you are in Kindle Store

The great thing about buying ebooks at Amazon is that a book page is optimized even for small screens of mobile devices and that you have an option to download a free sample. As soon as a sample lands in your Kindle account it’s available for reading from any authorized device.

Tip: You can use Kindle app to download/buy books to your account – and read them afterwards on your Kindle ereader.

How to find books?

Twitter is a fantastic discovery tool. There are a couple of ways you can find an ebook to read. You probably know them, it’s just a question of using relevant factors.

The most convenient tool is Twitter search. Browse for words like “Kindle” and “e-book”. A very precise term which returns only links from is a shortened url – “” – which is also a guarantee of a safe purchase. You can also use popular hashtags: #Kindle#ebook#ebooks.

Example: If you are looking for a bestselling book, use a word “bestseller” combined with a hashtag #Kindle and a phrase “”. Check search results here.

You can also follow Twitter users who share Kindle-related news (for example@ebookfriendly) or Twitter lists with authors who publish their books at Kindle Store (like this one).

Via Piotr Kowalczyk’s Password Incorrect blog


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