Digital Book World logoThis year’s installment of the Digital Book World Conference + Expo came to a close two days ago, and not surprisingly, video highlights from the event have been popping up online all week long.

Those of you with a bit of extra cash to spare (or, more realistically, a corporate account) might consider purchasing an on-demand video of the conference, which is already available at the DBW website. For U.S. $295, you’ll be able to watch 20 general session events from the first two days of the conference, along with a half-dozen breakout sessions.

Head over to YouTube if you’d like to check out a few decent DBW 2013 videos produced by Good E-Reader’s Mercy Pilkington, including IDPF executive director Bill McCoy discussing EPUB3.

♦ Click here to see Vook’s Matt Cavner chatting with Mercy about the Publishing Innovation Awards.

♦ Here’s Evan Ratliff of The Atavist, discussing the recently revived popularity of longform journalism.

♦ And finally, the man everyone’s keeping an eye on, Jim Hilt, the vice president of Barnes & Noble’s e-books division. Keep on believin’, Jim.

The 33-page conference program, for those of you interested in such things, can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking here.

Below, we’ve embedded video interviews (also by Mercy Pilkington) of OverDrive CEO Steve Potash and Aquafadas GM Rainer Heckmann.


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